Operational Programme ''Environment''
The Directorate of Strandja Nature Park works on a project under OP “Environment 2007-2013”
„Sustainable management and organization of Strandja Nature Park”
The project is realized with the financial support of the European Regional Development Fund of the EU and the state budget of the Republic of Bulgaria through the OP “Environment 2007-2013.” Priority axis 3 “Protection and regeneration of the biological diversity”: project reg.DIR- 5113326-5-99, contract reg. N DIR-5113326-С-004, under procedure BG161PO005/11/3/3.2/06/27 ope.moew.government.bg.
The directorate of Strandja Nature Park is working on a new project under OP “Environment 2007-2013”
The project is worth 7 821 000 lv and its duration is 3 years.
Description of the project activities
- Sustaining and regenerating activities in forests, lands and water areas
1.1. Protection and creation of opportunities for self-renewal of duna habitats of white, gray and wooded dunes (code under Directive 92/43 and the LBD: 2120,2130, and 2180)
1.2. Restoration of the protected habitat of the communities of Juniperus communis on limestone – Blue Juniper Protected Area (code under Directive 92/43 and the LBD 5130) – in SFE Malko Tarnovo
1.3. Preventive protection of protected habitat 6510 – Lowland hay meadows and the related populations of the protected bird species corn crake, black stork, white stork, lesser spotted eagle, booted eagle along sections of the Veleka river (between Kosti and Sinemorets), Tsarnogorovska river, Mladejka river, Suoksu river and the coasts of the following protected areas - Veleka river’s outflow and Silistar.
1.4. Protection and restoration of karst areas – as vegetative habitats on steep rocks, stony wilderness, and as habitats of turtles, Montpellier snake, Quercus hartwissiana, Sideritis syriaca, and others, which are under anthropogenic pressure.
1.5. Limiting the spread of invasive vegetal species – tree and bush (ailanthus altissima, amorpha) and herbaceous (Рhytolacca americanа, Bidens sp., and others), along the valleys of the large rivers in the Park – Veleka, Mladejka, Rezovska.
1.6. Increasing the lands inhabited by semi-natural communities of plants of primary conservation importance – Vaccinium arctostaphylos, Arbutus andrachne, Erica, Calluna, Rhododendrum ponticum, Quercus hartwissiana, together with concomitant forest fruits (medlar, Sorbus domestica, Rhododendron ponticum, laurel) and others.
1.7. Protecting and improving the stability of the populations of the Osmoderma eremita beetle through sustainable management of its natural habitats – old deciduous forests, edges of the forests, and river banks
1.8. Limiting the negative anthropogenic influence on the populaitons of turtles (European pond turtle, Balkan pond turtle).
1.9. Protecting and improving the stability of the populations of bats in Strandja Nature Park
1.10. Preventive protection of the population of the predator species of primary conservation importance (wolf, otter, marbled polecat, marten).
1.11. Securing problematic points along the electrical grid in order to protect the populations of the diurnal birds of prey and Ciconiiformes
1.12. Identifying and reducing the conflict points along the Via Pontica migratory route on the territory of the Park
1.13. Improving the condition of the European dry heath communities in the forestry sector through grazing.
2. Visitors’ infrastructure and capital works
2.1. Design and creation of 5 interpretative tourist trails – bats, birds, predators, rivers, and herbs (Malko Tarnovo, Sinemorets, Kosti, Zabernovo, Brashlyan) and 5 tourist trails on the side of the sea towards the mountain/in Rezovo, Varvara, Ahtopol;
2.2. Marking the borders of the Park. Design, production and assembly of entrance boards for the Park – 5 main boards and 5 secondary boards. Design and assembly of billboards for the Park – 5 pieces in the following settlements: Malko Tarnovo, Gramatikovo village, Zvezdets village, Zabernovo village, Ahtopol;
2.3. Marking, renewal of the marking and securing the existing tourist trails – 150 km, passing through the main habitats in the Park
2.4. Design and setting up of cognitive route – In the kingdom of Rhododendron ponticum
2.5. Design and setting up of forestal educational route – In the treetops
2.6. Building bicycle routes along existing black and main roads in the Park. (Malko Tarnovo – Slivarovo – Kosti; Kosti – Kachul– Zabernovo – Mladejko)
2.7. Design and creation of information points in 18 settlements on the territory of the Park
2.8. Repair of existing desolate building, equipping and servicing the management office and the information center of the Park in the district center – Burgas
2.9. Production and assembly of wooden information boards for the Park – 60 pieces; Production and assembly of informational reference boards for the protected areas and the natural landmarks – 40 pieces
2.10. Design and construction of 3 wooden watchtowers for birds – Veleka river outflow protected area, the wetland near Malko Tarnovo, and Silistar Protected Area
2.11. Production and assembly of park furniture – 40 pieces of wooden tables with benches; 50 pieces of wooden benches. Repair and renovation of 15 fountains.
2.12. Reconstruction of 1 funicular bridge – in Kovach area.
2.13. Design, construction and equipping of 3 recreational areas in order to reduce the anthropogenic influence over the river habitats – Petrova niva and Kachul for Veleka river and the area around Stoilovo village for Mechi dol river.
2.14. Repair and upgrade of existing tourist infrastructure – 8 massive shelters made of stone and wood; 10 small wooden shelters; 4 fireplaces; 24 benches; 25 wooden tables with benches; 3 wooden towers and 2 wooden platforms; 10 information boards.
2.15. Repair of the building, development of a conception for ICV (Information Center for Visitors) and refreshment of the expositions in Malko Tarnovo.
2.16. Repair, addition of elements to the exposition and servicing the ICV of the Park – The Forest Collection in Gramatikovo village.
2.17. Repair of premises, equipping a room for educational activities with children and volunteers and a meeting room with library in the central office of the Directorate of Strandja Nature Park, Malko Tarnovo
2.18. Repair of an existing decrepit building in the center of Ahtopol, equipment and interpretation of the Information Center for Visitors Coastal Strandja in Ahtopol.
2.19. Repair of an existing decrepit building, former primary school, equipping and servicing a multifunctional training center for key environmental activities in Zabernovo village
3. Interpretation and educational programs (different from the mandatory activity of dissemination of information and publicity of the project)
3.1. Creation of a specialized educational program “The Nature of Strandja”
3.2. Circulation of illustrative/informational materials, necessary for the introduction of the educational program under the developed conception
3.3. Creation of 5 interpretative programs for the different age groups
3.4. Delivery of equipment and materials necessary for the educational activities and the interpretative programs – mobile educational laboratory, tents, and tent equipment, binoculars, telescope, headlamps, and others.
3.5. Development and circulation of a handbook for sustainable use of agricultural lands, related to the preservation of reptiles, birds and small mammals.
3.6. Development of thematic multimedia presentations about the environmental value of the Park – preservation and regeneration of target species and habitats, sustainable development of the region.
3.7. Organization of thematic days of Strandja Nature Park
3.8. Expansion of the website of the Park and its translation into English.
3.9. Making audioguides, in Bulgarian and in English, for the 5 hiking trails, providing options for personal audio devices.
3.10. Development of materials and products presenting Strandja Nature Park at its best at tourist fairs – e.g. brochures, flyers, Strandja brand bags, Strandja brand souvenirs, video clips, etc.
3.11. Development of the network of sites and products certified with the regional brand Strandja and establishment of methodology for certification of Strandja honey dew, cultivation of herbs, fruits, perennials and others.
3.12. Production and delivery of information materials and assembly of five public information portals for the Park
4. Management Planning
4.1. Creating a model for sustainable management of the Park
4.2. Development of a strategy for environmental tourism
4.3. Creation of a media strategy for comprehensive PR of the protected territory
4.4. Construction of an entire system for electronic transmission and facilitation of the activities of the Directorate of Strandja Nature Park
4.5. Drafting a standard for the infrastructure of the Park
5. Audit of the project
6. Organization and management of the project
7. Publicity of the project – This activity includes dissemination of information and ensuring publicity of the project among the local community, in accordance with the mandatory requirements for implementation of the measures of information and publicity by the beneficiaries of OP “Environment”
"ENVIRONMENT 2007-2013"
for the project "Sustainable Management and Planning of Strandja Nature Park"
Priority axis 3 |
"Protection and regeneration of the biological diversity" |
Reference Number of the Project Selection Procedure |
BG161PO005/11/3/3.2/06/27 "Implementation of the activities for the planning and management of natural parks" |
Contract Number: DIR-5113326-C-004
Project Number: DIR-5113326-5-99
You may contact us at the following address, tel/fax and e-mail:
- Malko Tarnovo, 1 Yanko Maslinkov St.
- tel. 05952/31 60
- fax: 05952/36 35
- park@strandja.bg