Projects implemented by the Directorate of Strandja Nature Park
Building information points in the villages within the territory of Strandja Nature Park
1998 г. – 3,500 USD, Peace Corps, USA
“Publication of a tourist guide”
1998 г. - 950 USD, Open Society Club
“Publication of a tourist guide”
1998-1999 г. – 1,585 USD, Peace Corps, USA
“Building a path to knowledge”
1999 г. – 1,040 USD, Open Society Club
“Publication of a tourist map”
1999-2000 г. – 3,650 USD, Peace Corps, USA
“Experimental education in a biodiversity environment in Strandja Nature Park“
2000-2001 г. – 3,408 USD, Peace Corps, USA
“Management and development of the southern seaside regions”
2002 г. – 10,000 lv, The Principality of Monaco
“Management and development of the southern seaside regions – the Veleka river outflow”
2002 г. – 12,000 lv, The Principality of Monaco
“The Parks of Bulgaria – Partnership for Europe “
2001- 2002 г. – 2,287 euros, Phare Access 99
“The Festival of Rhododendron Ponticum”
2004 - 3,015 USD, Peace Corps, USA
“Informational-educational Center “
2005 г – 4,756 USD, Peace Corps, USA
“Tourist Guide for Strandja Nature Park”
2006 – 4,804 USD, Peace Corps, USA; 4,000 lv – Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation
“Crimea tea – cultivation and conservation methods for this species”
2006 – 1,500 lv, Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation
“National children‘s painting exhibition Strandja Arc - Zunka“ – financed by EMEPA; duration - 3 months (ІV-VІ 2005), worth 5,000 lv, Directorate of Strandja Nature Park as partner of Golden Strandja NGO”
“The natural richness of Strandja - tourist guides training and involving the local community into the conservation of the natural and cultural heritage” – financed by the Ecosociety Foundation; duration 5 months (VІ-ХІ 2005); worth 13,655 lv, Directorate of Strandja Nature Park as partner of Golden Strandja NGO
“Building of „The way of the clear moon“ green corridor, Brashlyan village – Stoilovo village – financed by Ecosociety Foundation, duration - 5 months, worth 11,249 lv, Directorate of Strandja Nature Park as partner of Golden Strandja NGO
“Inclusion of environmental educational elements into the tourist programs for Strandja Nature Park“ – financed by the Principality of Monaco, duration - 7 months (Х. 2007 – ІV. 2008), worth 8,635 lv, Directorate of Strandja Nature Park as partner of Golden Strandja NGO
“Energy conservation today – greener Strandja tomorrow“ – financed by Ecosociety Foundation; duration - 6 months (10.11.2007 – 10.04.2008), worth 28,750 lv, Directorate of Strandja Nature Park as partner of Golden Strandja NGO