Оld forests
Engineer Diko Patronov, PhD
The present review of the century-old forests in Strandja Nature Park targeted the forests in Forestry Enterprises (FE) Malko Tarnovo, Zvezdets, Kosti, part of Tsarevo /16,907 hectares/ and Hunting Preserve (HP) Gramatikovo, which are located on its territory. When the park was set up with ordinance PD 30/24.01.1995 its total area was 116,136 hectares of which 83,072.9 hectares were forests. Under the forest management in 1996/98 and 2006/2008 the wooded area increased to 90,513 hectares. The increase of the forest area is not due to the addition of new land to the park, but it is a result from new forests from the former ameliorative fund and other lands, which were naturally wooded and registered as forests.
Forest Management Projects (FMP) of the forestry enterprises were used to do the review, field research on targeted routes were conducted in 2012 and published materials were used.
The review of the century-old forests in Strandja Nature Park by wood species, structure, presentability, direction of economic influence and authenticity was done in sub-sections and sections from the last Forest Management Projects of the Forestry Enterprises.
In the review the terms 'century-old' and 'old' forests will be used with equal meaning, referring to forests over 100 years of age.
The main tree species in the forests of Strandja Nature Park, based on the data from the last two forest managements, is presented in the following table:
Tree species 1998 2008 Difference
Fagus orientalis 18.5% 15.7% - 2.8%
Quercus polycarpa 31.3% 28.0% - 3.3%
Quercus frainetto 29.4% 32.1% + 2.7%
Quercus cerris 7.5% 10.4% + 2.9%
Carpinus betulus 1.8% 2.1% + 0.3%
Carpinus orientalis 2.2% 3.8% + 1.6%
Conifers 7.9% 6.4% - 1.5%
The stated above reasons for the increase of the forest area after Strandja Nature Park was set up have actually primarily led to the changes in the ratio of tree species between the two forest managements. Low-grade forests and rocky areas with Quercus frainetto and Quercus cerris prevail in the added lands, as a result of which the numbers of the Quercus frainetto, Quercus cerris, Carpinus betulus and Carpinus orientalis may have increased at the expense of the Fagus orientalis and Quercus polycarpa. The reduction of the areas covered by the Fagus orientalis and Quercus polycarpa, which are the face of Strandja, is troubling and must be monitored during the subsequent measurements of the forests in the Park.
The change in the participation of coniferous tree species confirms the forecasts, guidelines and actions in the management of coniferous plantations, for gradual natural and targeted replacement with native trees and rehabilitation of root communities. These forestry activities will influence the future participation of tree and shrub species and the value of the forest.
The summarized data from the measurements of the forests shows that Fagus orientalis covers an area of 13,400 hectares, Quercus polycarpa – 23,500 hectares, Quercus frainetto – 27,400 hectares, Quercus cerris – 8800 hectares, Carpinus betulus – 1800 hectares and Carpinus orientalis – 3,200 hectares in mono-dominant and mixed tree groups.
Quercus hartwissiana participates on its own, or in small groups in mixed tree groups and is rare as a dominant species; the stated areas in the FMP are about 3,000 hectares. Knowing the forests in the mountains, we think that in reality the participation of the Quercus hartwissiana is only indicated in FE Zvezdets and in the State Hunting Preserve (SHP) Gramatikovo – for the territory of FE M. Tarnovo it is not indicated at all, probably due the designers’ lack of knowledge.
Relict species important for the prestige of the Strandja Nature Park is the Vaccinium arctostaphylos – the only presented habitat of a forest of Fagus orientalis with Vaccinium arctostaphylos for all European forests is in Strandja. Probably due to lack of knowledge of the species, both with previous Forestry Managements and with the last one, the indicated habitats of the Vaccinium arctostaphylos are insignificant and fragmented.
Based on the recent data that we collected during route surveys with the participation of experts from the Park and the forestry, the Fagus orientalis trees with undergrowth of Vaccinium arctostaphylos which we listed cover about 250 hectares in FE M. Tarnovo, Kosti and Gramatikovo.
Based on the studies conducted in the past and from the stated data in FMP on the total area which is covered by Rhododendron ponticum, regardless of the extent of coverage under the canopy, it can be stated that it is present on the territory of about 11,350 hectares. The forests with Common Rhododendron, included for strict protection, are in the reserves Uzunbuzhak – 1,400 hectares, Silkosiya – 270 hectares and Tisovitsa – 200 hectares. Outside the territories of the reserves, the Common Rhododendron takes part in the canopy of forests of Fagus orientalis and Quercus polycarpa on an area of about 9,000 hectares.
All plantations with main tree groups over 100 years of age were marked as old forests; and as forests with dominant trees – where there are trees with age over 100. The outcome is one too optimistic list of over 4,300 plantations with a total area of century-old forests of over 27,000 hectares and of dominant trees – 6,800 hectares in young forests at different age and in thin-outs of Carpinus orientalis.
In all analyses later on there will be data on the old forests in the Forest Enterprises from FMP 2006-2008 in sub-sections – for the dominant tree species, for areas listed for felling in the decade and subdivided by density – under 05, 06 and over 07. For the last /over 07/ we accept that the forests are with regular density and genuineness.
Old forests in Strandja Nature Park by tree species
Tree species area provided
hectares % for use %
Fagus orientalis 5760 21 1700 30
Quercus polycarpa 6230 23 3560 57
Quercus frainetto, Quercus cerris 15300 56 6900 45
Carpinus betulus 70 - 10 12
Fraxinus angustifolia 10 - - -
Current areas of old forests show an increase of about 6,000 hectares in relation to FMP since forest managements in 1996-1998. In interpreting this finding the explanation must be sought both in the increased area of the forest fund and the forests which passed the class of 80-100 years of age. The accuracy of this supposition is evident from the dozens of sections in massifs of forests at 100-110 years of age and which are of sprouting origin. Their connection to the high-stem forest in 70s and 80s was not sufficiently justified. They will be referred to and discussed separately.
Looking at the reports of the old forests by tree species it should definitely be pointed that habitats which are significant for Europe – forests of Fagus orientalis with undergrowth of Colchis bushes are not dominant on the territory of Strandja Nature Park, and in inner Strandja– their presence is only 21%. United with Quercus polycarpa old forests in the localities where they dominate take an area of 44%.
91SO. Western Pontic Beech forests
The forests of Fagus orientalis are concentrated in two localities – to the east of the line Slivarovo – Gramatikovo and in the higher part of Strandja. This grouping of the habitats in fact differentiates both sub-types of the forests of Fagus orientalis of Strandja with European importance and priority, with undergrowth of Rhododendron ponticum, and other laurel bushes, and with undergrowth of Vaccinium arctostaphylos and other laurel bushes.
Distribution of the old Fagus orientalis forests by density and use – total
Density area marked
hectares % for felling %
Under 05 1270 22 380 30
06 1330 23 360 27
Over 07 3160 55 970 31
The table shows that the majority of old forests are with a high degree of preservation - with normal density. However, what is disturbing is the high rate of activation of these forests, which in the forest enterprises is not explicit.
The old Fagus orientalis forests in Strandja Nature Park
Density Forest Enterprises /Hunting preserves
Zvezdets M. Tarnovo Gramatikovo Kosti Tsarevo
Under 05
Area 100 230 530 340 70
for felling 40 140 70 130 -
Area 110 380 560 220 70
for felling 20 220 60 60 -
Over 07
Area 350 1120 1020 340 340
for felling 0 590 190 50 20
Area 560 1730 2110 900 480
for felling 180 950 320 240 20
% 32 55 15 27 4
Impressive is the fact that in Forest Enterprise M.Tarnovo the old Fagus orientalis forests are activated for regeneration felling at 55%, while in the State Hunting Reserve Gramatikovo the regeneration felling is only 15%. As the analyses of the other forests show, in the range of State Hunting Preserve Gramatikovo a largely sparing regime for area clearing of old forests is introduced, through labeling large areas as “inaccessible forests” and “forests for the peace and quiet of the game”.
Depending on the presence and type of the Colchis shrub undergrowth in the Fagus orientalis forests, they are grouped as follows:
- with Rhododendron ponticum and other Pont euxeinos bushes;
- with Vaccinium arctostaphylos and other Pont euxeinos bushes;
- with Daphne mezereum and other Pont euxeinos bushes;
- Strandja forests with Fagus orientalis with Rhododendron ponticum
These forests are the face of Strandja. They are the reason which has led to the care for the preservation of the forests in Strandja from 80 years ago by setting up unique reserves and Strandja Nature Park, in order to permanently preserve the nature and natural primeval forests.
Century-old Fagus orientalis forests with Rhododendron ponticum
Density Forest Enterprise/Hunting preserve
Zvezdets M. Tarnovo Gramatikovo Kosti Tsarevo
Under 05
Area, hectares - 30 50 270 60
for felling - 30 - 120 -
Area, hectares - 40 100 150 50
for felling - 10 - 40 -
Over 07
Area, hectares - 90 200 250 220
for felling - 70 10 30 -
Area, hectares - 160 350 670 330
for felling - 110 10 190 -
% - 69 3 28 -
The total area of Fagus orientalis forests over 100 years of age with undergrowth of Rhododendron ponticum covers 1,510 hectares, from which 310 hectares are activated for felling in the decade i.e. 21%.
The mono-dominant Fagus orientalis forests with Rhododendron ponticum are located in the deep and wet dingles. High on the slopes the communities are most often mixed with Quercus polycarpa and on the ridges, dominated by it, they pass through mixed Quercus polycarpa forests to mono-dominant Quercus polycarpa forests thinned out by undergrowth of Rhododendron ponticum.
The following table indicates the communities dominated by Quercus polycarpa old forests with undergrowth of Rhododendron ponticum by forest enterprises.
Century-old Quercus polycarpa forests with Rhododendron ponticum
Density Forest Enterprise/Hunting preserve
Area, hectares Zvezdets M. Tarnovo Gramatikovo Kosti Tsarevo
Under 05
Area - 60 20 180 -
for felling - 20 20 130 -
Area - 20 - 100 40
for felling - 20 - 70 -
Over 07
Area - 90 50 220 300
for felling - 40 30 100 -
Area - 170 70 500 340
for felling - 80 50 300 -
% - 47 71 60 -
It is clear that the majority of the area of the century-old Quercus polycarpa forests with Rhododendron ponticum is activated for felling, apart from the forests in FE Tsarevo. Because of the better accessibility, they are technologically better for logging and, as it will be seen later, that is also the case with all Quercus polycarpa forests.
United, the old forests, dominated by Fagus orientalis and Quercus polycarpa, and in different ratios of the mixture of undergrowth of Rhododendron ponticum, Prunus laurocerasus (cherry laurel) and Ilex colhica, have the highest environmental and recreational value in the park. Their total area reaches 2,600 hectares, which is only 2.8% of the total wooded area of Strandja park. Yet 28% of these old forests are activated for felling!
Century-old forests of Fagus orientalis and Quercus polycarpa with Rhododendron ponticum
Density area planned
hectares % for felling %
Under 05 670 26 320 48
06 500 19 140 28
Over 07 1430 55 270 19
Total 2600 100 730 28
Amidst the Strandja forests, 1430 hectares of Fagus orientalis and Quercus polycarpa old forests with undergrowth of Rhododendron ponticum have a high level of authenticity of indigenousness and preservation until 2008. This area is only 1.6% from the wooded area of Strandja Nature Park and from it 19 % is activated for felling!
It is not difficult to state that the activation for felling of old forests with Rhododendron ponticum must be excluded from the plans for use.
Fagus orientalis forests with undergrowth of Rhododendron ponticum bear the marks of Pont-Euxeinos flora with evergreen shrubs of Daphne mezereum (February daphne), Prunus laurocerasus, Ilex colhica and Vaccinium arctostaphylos scattered among them. Such are most of the century-old Fagus orientalis forests – over 3,100 hectares, which are fragmented on the whole territory of the park from Tsarskovo kladenche to Arabadzhabair.
- Strandja forests of Fagus orientalis with Vaccinium arctostaphylos
The fieldwork we conducted with the specialists from the Park and from M. Tarnovo, Kosti and Gramatikovo forest enterprises, confirmed our conviction of sufficiently wide representation of this habitat in Strandja, even though the data in the FMP was scarce.
Fagus orientalis forests with Vaccinium arctostaphylos by Forest Enterprises
Indicators Forest Enterprise/Hunting preserve
- Tarnovo Gramatikovo Kosti
Sections 61,62,63,71,224,225 306,308,310 215
253,257,260,261, 218
Area, hectares 183.8 30.3 15.4
The total area of the Fagus orientalis habitat with Vaccinium arctostaphylos reached 229.5 hectares, from which 51 hectares /22%/ are disorganized or modified coniferous plantations.
It was determined that the old Fagus orientalis forests with Vaccinium arctostaphylos cover the area of 118.9 hectares, as 64.5 hectares of them are planned for felling – 54%!
There is no set purpose in that – simply these forests have not been listed by the appraisers in the FMP of Forest Enterprise M. Tarnovo as Fagus orientalis forests with Vaccinium arctostaphylos.
91MO Pannonian-Balkan forests of Quercus cerris and Quercus polycarpa
- Century-old forests of Quercus polycarpa
Quercus polycarpa forests cover a larger area than the Fagus orientalis ones, they are represented by more forests over 100 years of age. As indicated in the following table almost half of the old Quercus polycarpa forests that still remain today are located in FE M. Tarnovo.
Century-old Quercus polycarpa forests in Strandja Nature Park
Density Forest Enterprise/Hunting preserve
Zvezdets M. Tarnovo Gramatikovo Kosti Tsarevo
Under 05
Area, hectares 120 650 380 325 30
for felling 70 340 320 230 15
Area, hectares 125 765 260 250 60
for felling 90 500 165 135 -
Over 07
Area, hectares 115 1605 615 570 360
for felling 25 1030 380 270 10
Area, hectares 360 3020 1255 1145 450
for felling 185 1870 865 635 25
% 51 62 69 55 6
Distribution of the old forests of Quercus polycarpa by density and area - total
Density Area, hectares Planned
Total for felling %
Under 05 1505 975 65
06 1460 890 61
Over 07 3275 1715 52
Total 6230 3580 57
% of FF 6,9
Are the areas covered by old forests of Quercus polycarpa large?
We must be careful, especially for the forests with high density, because with this forest management dozens of sections with 100-110-year-old forests joined the list. Most of them are of sprouting origin, mono-dominant or simple in construction forests from abandoned clearing chains after the Balkan wars. They were transferred to the high-stem ones without clear motivation in the 70s and 80s.
Massifs of Quercus polycarpa – 100-110 years of age from clearing chains of sprouting origin
Forest Enterprise/Hunting preserve Sections
Gramatikovo 165, 166,167; 188-202;
Kosti 116,117,118; 120,121,122;131-133;
Tsarevo 409,410,412;415,418,430,435;
- Tarnovo 198,199,200; 205,206,207...
The indicated as high-stem forests of sprouting origin must be clearly distinguished from the old forests of different ages, so that they do not shape the outlook and imitate the old indigenous forests in the decades to come.
Slowing the rate of conversion of forests of sprouting origin also leads to the invasion of such forests in the category of old forests of more than 100 years of age.
We had to distinguish the pure Quercus frainetto forests and the ones mixed with Querceta cerris and other deciduous trees out of the old ‘oak’ forest of over 100 years of age. They predominate mainly in the western part of Strandja Nature Park. From east to west in the interior of Strandja there is a tendency of drying of the climatic characteristics, as a result of the annual decrease of precipitation and continental influence.
In the oak economic categories by FMP, Quercus frainetto and Quercus polycarpa have always been grouped together and that is how the use of the category is determined.
The participation of the Quercus polycarpa and Querceta cerris in the old forests of Strandja is enormous in terms of area and their individual discussion is significant for the future of the habitat of Quercus polycarpa, and what is more, for the priority, protected and significant for Europe forests of Strandja.
Old Quercus frainetto and Querceta cerris forests by Forest Enterprises in Strandja Nature Park
Density Forest Enterprise/Hunting preserve
Zvezdets M. Tarnovo Gramatikovo Kosti Tsarevo
Under 05
Area,hectares 3880 580 1835 290 25
for felling 1660 340 675 135 -
Area,hectares 1865 480 1180 400 15
for felling 835 320 495 210 -
Over 07
Area,hectares 2070 735 1670 225 35
for felling 955 550 595 105 5
Area,hectares 7815 1795 4685 915 75
for felling 3450 1210 1765 450 5
% 44 67 38 49 7
Old Quercus frainetto and Querceta cerris forests in total in Strandja Nature Park
Density area, hectares planned
total for felling %
Under 05 6610 2810 43
06 3940 1860 47
Over 07 4735 2210 47
Total 15285 6880 45
% from FF 17
The old Quercus frainetto and Quercus cerris forests cover 17% of the planted area of the Park, while the forests of Fagus orientalis and Quercus polycarpa, which are of European importance, together cover 13% - Fagus orientalis - 6% and Quercus polycarpa – 7%!
For many objective reasons, the first of which is the inaccessibility and poor infrastructure, as well as poor market value of Quercus cerris timber, vast regions in SHP Gramatikovo /over 50 sections/ from Byala voda to Zabernovo and in FE Zvezdets, with all indigenous Quercus frainetto and Quercus cerris forests, have been left without planned use in the last decades. The poor market value of the large Quercus cerris timber is a problem, which hasn’t been solved for decades.
This does not mean that there should be a dangerous increase in the numbers of Quercus cerris and Quercus frainetto in the forests in Strandja.
However, the accessible Quercus polycarpa, Quercus frainetto and oak forests from the rest of the Park were subject to logging and were renewed.
OLD FORESTS WITH Quercus hartwissiana
The right way to raise the issue is as follows – not old forests of Quercus hartwissiana, but old forests with Quercus hartwissiana. The listed and planned in the FMP forests with prevailing numbers of the Quercus hartwissiana, or with 3-4 tenths, are a few. The Quercus hartwissiana is mono-dominant species over communities which occupy small areas and tends not to separate into small subsections - in 1-2 ha of natural populations, which thins out its presence in the forests.
Old forests with Quercus hartwissiana on the territory of Strandja Nature Park
Density Forest Enterprise/Hunting preserve
Zvezdets M. Tarnovo Gramatikovo Kosti Tsarevo
Under 05
Area,hectares 725 - 260 10 -
for felling - - - - -
Area,hectares 280 - 160 - 5
for felling - - 10 - -
Over 07
Area,hectares 260 - . 130 40 -
for felling 170 - - - -
Area,hectares 1265 - 550 50 5
for felling 170 - 10 - -
% 13 - 2 - -
The table above shows that there is no indication of old forests of over 100 years of age with a presence of the Quercus hartwissiana in Forest Enterprise M. Tarnovo. FMP of the forest enterprise lists only about 50-60 hectares of forest plantations. The omissions of the forest managers of Forest Enterprise M. Tarnovo have not given us the chance to make a quantitative characteristics of this region, where the Quercus hartwissiana is present on the whole territory, both in the karst and on the river terraces of the Delievska river, the Aydere, the Veleka and the Rezvaya.
In 1970, researchers from the Forest Institute have determined that „...Two main ecotypes have been formed in the natural habitat of the Quercus hartwissiana in Bulgaria – one is adapted to the alluvial-riverside habitat with deep and wet soil, and the other – to karst habitat with more shallow and warmer leached humus and carbonate soils /rendzinas/. The riverside ecotype stands out with more induvidual variability.”
We can only add to what our colleagues have said that after more than 40 years we are still in debt to the preservation and promotion of this relict and unique to our forests huge tree which together with Rhododendron ponticum and Vaccinium arctostaphylos should be the face of Strandja Nature Park.
Old forests of Quercus polycarpa and Quercus frainetto with Erica arborea
Quercus frainetto and Quercus polycarpa forests with undergrowth of Erica arborea are found in a specific location in the south of Brodilovo and Kosti to the Rezovska river. In this limited territory Erica arborea manifests itself as a pioneer species on the open spaces and thin-outs on the ridges on dry, sandy and rocky soils. With the improvement of the habitat and thickening of the forest canopy towards the valleys, Erica arborea is disappearing.
During the preparation of the FMP for the territory of FE Kosti and Tsarevo have been listed 130 hectares of old forests with undergrowth of Erica arborea, all with density under 05. Clear-cuts are planned for 50 hectares of them!
We can only guess what the considerations of the forest managers to plan clear-cuts on this so limited area of all forests with natural Erica arborea communities were.
The natural forests with Erica arborea shrubs are low-quality, thinned, with bad tree groups of old, curved, branching trees with hollows, which would not be made any better.
The many Pinus nigra cultures, which were planted after the reconstruction of the Erica arborea thin-outs and which are not in good condition, must be considered for restoration felling.
Old forests of Carpinus betulus in Strandja
According to the data from the last forest managements of the Forest Enterprises, on the territory of Strandja Nature Park, Carpinus betulus is present in mixed plantations on an area of over 1,700 hectares with the largest areas being in FE Zvezdets – about 1,000 hectares, FE M.Tarnovo – 285 hectares, SHP Gramatikovo – 414 hectares.
The review of FMP on the old forests of Carpinus betulus shows how few the preserved natural Carpinus betulus planations are:
FE M. Tarnovo – 4 hectares with density under 05;
SHP Gramatikovo – 20 hectares with density under 05 and 20 hectares with density over 08;
FE Kosti – 4 hectares with density under 05;
FE Tsarevo – 1 hectare with density under 05;
Total area – 49 hectares.
The Carpinus betulus had the same organizational problems like the Quercus hartwissiana associated with the lack of separation into sub-sections with small areas. The cutting of the accessible forests with Carpinus betulus on the river terraces has led to their rejuvenation.
Back in the 70s in „Types of forests in Bulgaria” leading experts made the following recommendation: „...The location of this type of forests / Carpinus betulus forest with Quercus polycarpa and Fagus/ defines its strong water-preserving and protective nature, due to which no industrial logging must be permitted in it.”
The years that have passed since the time this recommendation was made have shown that their words have remained unnoticed!
Forests with dominant trees in Strandja Nature Park
The young plantations where there are dominant trees older than 100 years of age to over 300 years of age, with different density and tree species, from all forest managements in the FEs on the territory of Strandja Nature Park, cover the following area:
FE Zvezdets – 1,680 hectares;
FE M. Tarnovo – 820 hectares;
SHP Gramatikovo – 3,100 hectares;
FE Kosti – 1,130 hectares;
FE Tsarevo – 90 hectares;
Total for Strandja Nature Park – 6,820 hectares, which covers 8% of the forested area.
Leaving the dominant trees in Strandja Nature Park and their preservation during the forest management, although late, is an important organizational forestry conservation event, giving authority to the protected area.
Conclusions and recommendations for the natural century-old forests on the territory of Strandja Nature Park
If you take a general look at the old forests in Strandja, which we analyzed by habitats we will establish that:
The old forests at an age of over 100 years in Strandja Nature Park have a total area of 27,350 hectares, which is 30% of the wooded area.
The old forests are representatives of habitats of:
- Fagus orientalis – 5,760 hectares; 6.4% of the wooded area; planned for felling – 1,710 hectares; 30%
- Quercus polycarpa – 6,230 hectares; 7% of the wooded area; planned for felling – 3,570 hectares; 57%
- Quercus frainetto, Querceta cerris – 15,280 hectares; 17% of the wooded area; planned for felling – 6,870 hectares; 45%
- Quercus hartwissiana – 1,870 hectares; 2.1% of the wooded area; planned for felling – 180 hectares; 10%
- Carpinus betulus – 49 hectares; 0.1% of the wooded area
- Fraxinus angustifolia – 10 hectares;
The most representative, endangered and priority habitats of European significance with the participation of old Strandja forests were presented in terms of areas and planned events on the territory of the Park:
- Fagus orientalis forests with undergrowth of Rhododendron ponticum – 1,510 hectares; 1.6% of the wooded area; including such with density over 07 – 770 hectares; 0.9% of the wooded area;
- Quercus polycarpa forests with undergrowth of Rhododendron ponticum – 1,090 hectares; 1.2% of the wooded area; including such with density over 07 – 660 hectares; 0.7% of the wooded area;
- Fagus orientalis forests with undergrowth of Vaccinium arctostaphylos – 120 hectares; 0.1% of the wooded area; including such with density over 07 – 90 hectares; 0.1% of the wooded area;
Are the indicators shown above optimistic for including the Fagus orientalis forests with undergrowth of Rhododendron ponticum and Fagus orientalis ones with Vaccinium arctostaphylos in the list locations of European significance?
It was stated above and we will say it again - the total area of the mono-dominant and mixed old natural forests of Fagus orientalis and Quercus polycarpa with Rhododendron ponticum is 2,600 hectares, which is 2.8% of the wooded area of the Park. Of them the indigenous ones with density of over 07 are 1,430 hectares, or 1.6% of the wooded area, of which 270 hectares are planned for felling!
Having in mind that for the moment the Fagus orientalis forest with Vaccinium arctostaphylos occupies 118.9 hectares of old forests with density 05-07, of which 64.5 hectares are planned for felling, we think that the most important natural habitats of century-old /old/ forests in Strandja Natural Park, outside of the reserve territories that are of European significance and which can be visited by tourists, are not protected permanently and in the long term!!!
Fagus orientalis and Quercus polycarpa old forests with Rhododendron ponticum in the Uzunbuzhak, Silkosiya and Tisovitsa reserves cover an area of 1,870 hectares, which is 2% of the wooded area of the park and 34% of the area of the reserves. It is clear that the old Fagus orientalis and Quercus polycarpa forests with undergrowth of Rhododendron ponticum which are out of the reserves are left with a smaller area than the one protected by the reserves!
If the forests of old age should be determined by economic units, the participation of the Fagus orientalis and Quercus polycarpa forests with Rhododendron ponticum by Forest Enterprises is unfavorable / relative to the requirements of „the Regimes...” and the certification / as a part of the wooded area, stated in the following table:
Participation of the old forests with Rhododendron ponticum in % of the wooded area of FE
Forest Enterprise Total With density over 07
Hunting preserve Fagus Quercus Total Fagus Quercus Total
orientalis polycarpa orientalis polycarpa
Gramatikovo 1.8 0.4 2.2 1.0 0.3 1.3
- Tarnovo 0.8 0.9 1.7 0.5 0.5 1.0
Kosti 6.7 5.0 11.7 2.5 2.2 4.7
Tsarevo 2.0 2.1 4.1 1.3 1.8 3.1
If there is a real intention of preserving the old forests with Rhododendron ponticum, they should relate comprehensively to the business units /in total for Strandja Nature Park/, where this habitat participates as reported for Strandja.
The large area of the old Quercus frainetto and Quercus cerris forests in Strandja - over 15,000 hectares, which is 17% of the wooded area and of which 50% is not planned for felling, blurs the overall picture of the old forests in the park and makes it unreasonably optimistic!!! There is a risk that the Quercus frainetto and Quercus cerris forests will represent the ancient-old forests in Strandja in the coming decades.
On the basis of the above analyses, the following proposals for discussion and undertaking of forestry and organizational events can be made:
- To launch a moratorium / temporary restrictions / on the use of all old forests over 100 years of age – Fagus orientalis and Quercus polycarpa forests with density over 07, as well as the Quercus frainetto forests with density over 07 and of I, II and III quality rating. For the time being, the duration of the moratorium must continue until a new forest management is performed.
- There must be a long-term moratorium on the use of all old forests over 100 years of age with undergrowth of Rhododendron ponticum, Vaccinium arctostaphylos, Erica arborea, Prunus laurocerasus and Ilex colhica as well as over the restoration felling, planned for them in „NATURA 2000 Regimes for sustainable forest management”
- To accept that, although fragmented, the territorial scope of habitats of Fagus orientalis and Quercus polycarpa is on the whole territory of the interior of Strandja and in Strandja Nature Park, which serves to identify the area and the percentage of forests of old age from NATURA 2000.
- Not to unite the Quercus polycarpa and Quercus frainetto into „oak market category”, but forest management events in the FMP to be designed separately for both species, in sub-sections, condition and without the use of methods based on formulas.
- To review the Quercus polycarpa and Quercus frainetto forests of sprout origin, transferred in the past to the high-stem ones. Reaching the age of 100-110, they increase the area of the natural old forests, even though they are with uncertain sustainability in terms of health and construction. To accelerate the conversion of forests of sprout origin into high-stem ones.
- To do a thorough evaluation and inventory of the Fagus orientalis forests with Vaccinium arctostaphylos, as well as the forests with Quercus hartwissiana, separately or during a forest management of the Forest Enterprise on the territory of Strandja Nature Park by trained in the park flora specialists. Before the start of the forest managements to consult the designers about the Strandja flora.
- To select samples of accessible old forests with reference to representative for Strandja habitats of Fagus orientalis, Quercus polycarpa, Quercus frainetto, Quercus hartwissiana, Rhododendron ponticum, Vaccinium arctostaphylos, Erica arborea and Calluna vulgaris and place them on exhibit in order to show to specialists and amateurs, also for monitoring.
- During the forest management of Forest Enterprises to implement the recommendation for placement into separate subsections with area of over 1 hectare of communities with rare, or protected tree species and bushes / Quercus hartwissiana, Carpinus betulus, Fraxinus angustifolia, Ilex colhica, Laurocerasus officinalis/.
- To amend the recommendation on „forests of old age” in „NATURA 2000 Regimes for sustainable forest management” which preserves inaccessible massifs as wrong and serves only the forest management, and which is aimed at the elimination of available samples of old forests of the protected Strandja habitats and on the territory of the Park.
- To implement the infrastructure projects for the roads in the forests of Strandja which are planned in FMP, /about 200 km for this decade!/ in order to enhance the economic and tourist accessibility. In case of failure to construct and repair the roads in the FE, to amend the annual plans for logging.
- To prepare a separate volume of the FMP on the forests in FE Tsarevo which are part of Strandja Nature Park, with detailed reports of the FF.
- To reconsider and review the structure of planned and approved by the FMP use for felling and logging in the FE of the park by focusing on:
- the large area /23%/ and reserve /over 5 million square meters/ of the forests of sprout origin, the majority of which went over 70-100 years of age.
- replacement with local species and revival of the natural character of the coniferous plantations /reserve of over 1 million square meters of wood / in the next 20 years.
- activation of the restoration felling of old forests over 100 years of age with density of under 05 and which are over 6,000 hectares.
- the forests with distant felling, which cover over 60% of the territory of the Park.
This will lead to a real conserving management of the unique relic century-old forests in the Nature Park Strandja.
2012 - 2013 Engineer Diko Patronov, PhD